Friday, April 24, 2009

Working at the Carwash...

Today, Will decided he wanted to wash his daddy's truck... like father, like son!! He loves anything outside, and this was right up his ally. It is rather warm outside, so it was the perfect day!

In other news... Brian will be at training for the upcoming trip to Nova Scotia this weekend. The transmission will be fixed on the car Tuesday. Not sure how long we will be without it. I am sure however, that I am ready for it to be fixed! I feel like a crazy person. I thought I was someone who didn't mind being at home, until I have went a week without my car!! My thoughts have changed... :) Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Book Worms

Sunday afternoon, we all got back in the pj's to rest a little while. Abby picked out The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss to read. She made her a place right in front of Molly's bouncy seat and read to her baby sister. Molly loved looking at the pictures and listening to Abby! It was so sweet.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Friday afternoon, Brian and I attempted to do a little yard work. I absolutely love to work in the yard. Whether it be digging, planting, cutting grass, whatever... I love it! Friday we did a little of all of the above. We spread some mulch and hung some baskets on the front porch. The kids played with some of their neighborhood friends while we worked in the front. Molly sat contently in her stroller and watched Mama and Daddy busy at work. There's just something about the outdoors that makes me happy. This past week we talked in our Bible study about our Creator and the beauty He gives us through nature. His Word tells us that "if any one be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 Spring is such a beautiful reminder of this!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Friend!

Today is my best friend, Holly's, birthday. God answered my prayers when He sent me such a loyal and true friend. We have known each other for about 10 years now, although our husbands have been friends since they were 4. In the past 10 ten years we have shared so much together. She is more like a sister to me than a friend. I had the privilege of being her matron of honor. She shared in the births of both of my girls. We have braved many, many road trips. We have cried with other, screamed at each other, and oh, have we laughed at and with each other! Goodness, the stories I could type, but I will spare you from all those "you just had to be there" moments!

I thank God for Holly today and everyday. Many people aren't as blessed as I have been to have someone in their life like her. She is always honest with me, even when it's not necessarily what I want to hear, but what I need to hear. Most importantly, I know when I ask her to pray for me, she already has!

Happy Birthday Holly... I love you much! :)

"A friend loves at all times."

Proverbs 17:17


Well, now that Miss Molly is sleeping 10 - 11 hours each night, (!) I figured we should start giving her a little cereal each morning. (She has to be hungry!) She did quite well. It took her a little bit to get the hang of eating with a spoon, but overall she did beautifully... well, until the end and every time I would put the spoon in her mouth, she would try to suck on it like it was her bottle. She got a little upset when she realized it wasn't! But that's ok, she did great for the first time!

Here is Molly before...

After the first bite...

And then once she got the hang of it...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Another Wild Child....

Yesterday morning, I got ready for bible study and went to get Molly up to get her ready. When I got to her bed and pulled her blanket off this is what she looked like...

I am not real sure how she managed this, but she sure was funny! She thought it was funny too!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I love each day of the Easter season. Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem, knowing he was headed to the cross. Maundy Thursday, the day Jesus celebrated the Passover with the disciples, even washing the feet of the one he knew would betray him. The prayer he prayed in Gethsemane, Father not my will, but Thy will be done. Good Friday, the day my sins nailed a perfect Savior to an old rugged cross. Defeat could have been the outcome but oh, the victory we have in Easter morning, the day Jesus conquered death and rose from the grave. Praise God that He loved us enough to send His only and only Son to die, so that we may live.
We traveled back Gaffney for a few days this weekend. We got to spend some time with friends and family that we miss so much. Saturday we had an Easter Egg Hunt at Nonnie and Papa's. Nanny, Papa, John, Pamela, Mitch, Holly, and Kylee all came and we had such a good time.

Today, we attended church and afterwards we went to the park to take a few pictures of the kids. This afternoon we have just enjoyed the day. It is beautiful! Tomorrow we will head back into reality....

Pamela, I promise I will try to post more this week! :)